Our Technology Partners

Travel Intelligence Platform

One stop enterprise solution for travel - from customer to productivity and solutions

Distributed Content and Technology

Advanced technology to integrate GDS, Meta and Providers content

Complete Customer Visibility

Customer identity and transaction verification details for secure and productive decisions

Tripsolver TSFares - Flights, Hotels and Cruises


Revenue Growth Booking Engine Experience

Engage customers with advanced booking platform

Tripxol booking engine is designed for travel agencies, travel providers and consolidators to build OTA, B2B, Meta and Back office management solutions

Increase revenue with multiple search and upsell channels

Grow sales with multiple channels including member deals, phone only fares search engine, pay later, exclusive fares, upsell and many more.

Your company, Your brand

Customize your application to your brand and company. Secured solution with advance GDS and third party travel API/XML products.

Tripsolver TSFares - Flights, Hotels and Cruises


Meta search / Media companies Integration

Tripxol Booking Engine

Meta Search Engine - Compare all types of fares, deals and agencies

One Search engine to compare different types of fares

Compare open fares, member deals, phone only fares and pay later offers - all in one search engine

Compare online and local travel agencies

Local travel agents offer maximum coupons deals with less reach to online customers. With Flipfares.com compares both online and offline agent deals

Reprice engine to find the lowest fare from local travel agencies

Find lowest price in realtime - Repricing open fare with local deals to find the best offer


Mobile and Social app booking engine

Mobile platform – one solution for all mobile devices and operating systems

Social marketing redirect – setup social marketing for booking volume growth

Meta redirect - Increase revenue by converting every request with hybrid mobile platform.

GDS Scan Control - powered by custom AI modules

Decrease GDS scan cost

TSCON solution fuses advanced scan intelligence to reduce scans from GDS systems.

API and Meta search engine optimization

Solution can be integrated with both API and Meta search engine traffic. Convert data into revenue opportunity.

Endpoint integration

Our fully-automated endpoint scan control solution is secure and process upto 100 million scan transactions per month

Tripxol Booking Engine

Identity Management

Fraud & Risk management with Verified Customer Identity(VCI) and Verified Booking Transaction(VBT) Fraud & Risk management Customer Identity
Fraud & Risk management with Verified Customer Identity(VCI) and Verified Booking Transaction(VBT) Fraud & Risk management Customer Identity
Docusign services for credit card verification with 100% protection. E-sign authentication with booking details, customer data and agency terms and policies.
Authenticate Booking Transactions with ‘One Time PIN’(OTP) services. Integrate otp into booking engine to validate your customer and authenticate transaction.

Trusted business around the world


real-time pricing created


verified customers


offers and deals


coffee days

Global Authorized Developer & Travel partners ( Flights Hotels Cruises )

A complete travel solution with advanced booking engine, identity management, chargeback security solutions including eSign and OTP. now with TSFares, you can launch your site in less than 24hours-click here for more information

Tripsolver Brochure


TSGO Brochure


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